Getting noticed by the search engines. Search Engine Optimization is the mechanism of increasing traffics to your website by improving internal and external factors relating to the content and influencing results and ranking, ultimately conversions, in search queries. As a major part of Internet marketing, Search Engine Optimization enables businesses […]
Google searches the entire web – literally billions of pages – in half a second. The sheer power and magnitude is unfathomable, yet Matt Cutts makes it sound simple. Â Although it doesn’t cover anything new, this is must-watch brain candy for any online geek.
If you’re in the online space you should probably follow the Google Webmaster Central Channel on YouTube. Don’t let the name fool you – it’s for everyone. Recently they received an interesting question for Matt Cutts; what are the top 3 items to include in your SEO strategy. (Full video […]
One of the great aspects of online advertising is that there are many tools that can be utilized that cost very little to nothing. I’ve received a few questions from friends on where they should start to think about advertising online so I’m going to use this post to address […]
When we started diving into the dirty world of display (aren’t banners from ’98?) we thought we’d build toward large campaigns on TechCrunch, CrackBerry, and BusinessWeek. We quickly reached this goal… and another learning. In reality, these big mass-media sources have a much lower ROI for us than small, niche […]
Google Instant launched today, allowing people’s search results page to change dynamically as they type. This is impressive technology as it now requires a unique query to Google for each letter typed. Assuming the average query is approximately 20 characters this means Google has to run 20 queries where before […]
To some extent, I think search engine marketing (SEM) has become mainstream (dare I say it’s “jumped the sharkâ€?). Everyone obviously appreciates the need to show up in Google via natural search results and it’s come to the point where most everyone understands the same need for paid search. Of […]
I have my Tivo setup to record any program containing “Google” in the description, and I wouldn’t have learned about these otherwise. Charlie Rose recently inverviewed both Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, and Marissa Mayer, V.P. of Search Product and User Experience. I’ve linked to the 7 minute highlights, but […]
Here’s a very important note on Google’s belief of privacy: The key point; “Google has confirmed that its policy will be to require a wiretap order before tracking a Latitude user’s location for law enforcement.” It’s good to see that they still follow their, “Don’t Be Evil” motto. I’m […]