Released on April 25, 2012, HTC One S immediately captures the eyeballs of thousands of mobile fans and is placed, with no surprises, face-to-face against iPhone 4S for title of better UI and tech spec. Read about how the new HTC smartphone differs with iPhone 4S in design, UI, and […]
Back in January I was planning logistics for a winter Presidential Traverse of several peaks including Mount Washington. The biggest concern, as always the case to the “Home of the World’s Worst Weatherâ€, is weather and visibility. I was thinking about the limitations of GPS (which I don’t use) and […]
A close friend (“cc†aka Chris Crosby) sent this to me yesterday but I’m just getting around to checking it out this morning; Two items: “Google Talk location status (beta) automatically updates your Google Talk or Gmail chat status message with your Latitude location.†“The Google Public Location Badge […]
Interesting to note, but a non-actionable item; Google will display >25 characters in the title line if it’s a result of Dynamic Keyword Insertion (“DKIâ€) but cannot confirm the maximum amount. I’ve seen examples of 29 characters but Google still recommends that nobody plans on so many. The only takeaway […]
Based on some urging from the Kuhn brothers, here are some of my preliminary thoughts on the [16GB] 3G iPhone. Since it’s too easy to find fan-boy sites hailing the iPhone, I’m going to err on the critical side. Also, considering I use non-Apple applications the majority of the time, […]
Here is a really interesting article. Snippit: Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone plays the same bit part in Roth’s story that the original Macintosh played in Microsoft Windows’: a inspiring example to show what’s possible — and perhaps be mined for stealable ideas — while the standard-setting steamroller grabs that 90% market […]
John Battelle posted a quick comment on Google’s share of the mobile search market: Probably not surprising to readers of this site (ars): Google managed to spank the rest of the mobile search world during the first quarter of 2008, according to data from Nielsen Mobile. The search giant managed […]
Wired is live blogging Steve Job’s Keynote speech this morning at 10AM PST. Link here. What do we expect? Plenty: A new iPhone, with a new operating system, 3G data support, and geotagging support — plus maybe a GPS Lots of iPhone and iPod Touch applications Details on the next […]
Very cool. I hadn’t read much about it lately, but this is a pretty good page (with video): “The device allows owners to unlock it by drawing on the screen, and includes a built-in compass to help with navigation. …Google will not make the phone, but has helped develop the […]