Early stage startup marketing & community management + the great outdoors.

Reading: “Born to Run” (With TED Video)

I recently began reading Christopher McDougall’s, “Born To Run”.  I had heard of it from a few places, including my wife, but my interest really wasn’t piqued until I saw the following TED video (below).  I finally saw the book on a friends bookshelf and stole it since it was just collecting dust.

Being the same size as the author (6′-3″ and 230 lb’s) the “you’re too big to run” sentiments really hit home.  I’m not sure if the book will motivate me to run more but it certainly is already motivating me to give more consideration to how I run.

The video below summarizes it better than I can but to over-paraphrase, the common notion that running, as an activity, is bad for humans is complete hogwash.  If you’re getting hurt, you’re doing something wrong, but it isn’t the activity itself.

If you’re into participating in outdoor sports (not necessarily even running in particular) I would highly recommend the book.  It’s written in a nice, light manner for a quick read that will make you miss running – even if you’re 6′-3″ and 230+ lbs.

Watch it on

Follow Chris on Twitter: @BornToRunChris.

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